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Rohit Mehta : A Linux Follower

bangalore, Karnataka, India
hi! i m a person who is chill all time. Since jan 2008 i am working for Novell software. The word Impossible does not exist in my dictionary because Impossible says i m possible...hey guys have fun with linux...it begins but has no end......

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Access And Control A Remote Linux System Using Vncviewer

o609oxNow one can easily enjoy the desktop terminal services of a remote linux  machine easily on its own linux/Windows desktop.Vncviewer is    the answer to this.
So what is a vncviewer?
Vncviewer is a viewer(client) for virtual network computing.Vncviewer is an Xt-based client application for the VNC (Virtual Network  Computing) system. It can connect to any VNC-compatible server such as Xvnc or WinVNC, allowing you to control desktop environment  of a different machine.
It is relatively straightforward to display and access a Linux desktop from a system anywhere else on a network or the internet by using Virtual Network Computing (VNC). This can be achieved regardless of whether that system is running Linux, Windows or Mac OS X.. The more impressive thing about this is that it can be set up for free with only a little time and knowledge.
For enabling vnc settings three things are required:
1. A VNC services enabled on the  Linux system whose desktop needs to be accessed.
2. A VNC viewer client installed on the system on which you want to display your Linux desktop.
3. A connection between the two systems.
Here are some  simple steps that will help you in setting the vncserver and allowing others to have  access to your desktop.
Step:1)Firstly you need to install vnc-server rpm on your server system.
Give the following command to install vnc packages:
#rpm –ivh  vnc-server-4.1.2-14.el5
#rpm –ivh  vnc-4.1.2-14.el5
Step:2)On your Linux system desktop whose desktop need to be accessed, go at the top and click on the System—>Preferences—>Remote desktop
Similar to thepicture below
After clicking on remote desktop a dialog box similar to below one will get  displayed:
Here check the first box i.e Allow other users to view your desktop.
There are other options also available like do you want to have password authentication and want to allows the remote system to control your desktop or not.
Step 3:)On the client side install the vnc packages:
To install the vnc package, at the prompt type:
#rpm –ivh  #rpm –ivh  vnc-4.1.2-14.el5
Step 4:)At the command prompt,just type the following command
The following dialog box will get appeared.
Enter the ip of the remote machine and enjoy the services
It worked for me like this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With VNC you need to open inbound TCP ports in the firewall for remote access and this can compromise security. RHUB appliance is one product I know that doesn’t necessitate any changes in firewall settings for remote access. It supports multiple platforms and has some really great remote access features.

Which Linux distribution has ease of use?